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Signet Ministries

The Great Shift


It’s the end of one season and the beginning of another one. It’s time to intentionally focus on the navigation to glean the fullness of the journey on the horizon.

How do you know you’re in a shift? It has felt like divine UNSETTLING, a disruption to the status quo that has felt like a mighty tug of war causing great tension to your entire being. But here’s the thing, you’re on the brink of a new season! Don’t despise it – but count it all joy my friends, because the hardness and the warfare of the previous season was not wasted, nor was it in vain. God often includes seasons of unsettledness where He transfers us out of the comfort and complacency and moves us into a new place and position. It’s a necessary part of the process!

Your resolve and character have been refined and strengthened. You are ready for this!


• Understand, it takes the NEW to move out the OLD

• The old doesn’t leave because we are tired of it. The old only leaves when the new displaces it.

• Release your grasp on one season and willingly open your hands for the next (physically do that now, its powerful! Hold out your clenched fists in front of you – then watch as your hands openly release the former things and all expectations. What a relief it brings!!)

• DO a new thing - something you’ve never done before

• Come out of your comfort zone

• Allow the attitude adjustment

• Cultivate new behaviors/disciplines

• Steward new relationships

• SEE the new frontier to break the mold from the old stale place you’ve been

"Do not remember the former things, or consider things of the past. Behold, I am going to do something new, now it will spring up; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:18-19.

Comfort and steadiness are what we crave, but overstaying our welcome in one place can rob us of the work God intends to do in us.

If you need help navigating this shifting season, need clarity, or encouragement to share your story, click on the link now to connect with our Signet team!

Rebecca Hernandez

Signet Leader

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