In March, I was unable to attend a Family conference where our signet founder was speaking, so I accessed the conference online. On Friday night, toward the end of the service, a speaker from Canada was interviewed. His interview had a profound impact on my life.
It challenged me and changed my thinking.
He had gone after “the one” with the love of God and the results were astounding. By “the one”, I mean the one in front of him. He had made a decision to pour out the Father’s love on someone whom, I as a Christian, might consider a lost cause. His willingness to extend the unconditional love of the Father was challenging to me.
I was raised in the home of a Pentecostal preacher. The organization my dad pastored in was very legalistic and rule based. I learned to judge others from a very young age. In fact, I felt it was my duty to do so. Looking back, I wonder how I could have thought this way when the Bible plainly says, “Judge not lest ye be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37).
Having left this organization many years ago, I was surprised how convicting this interview was. I have no malice or hatred toward homosexuals, but on the other hand, I feel they can present themselves as an enemy to my faith. I've always felt it best to stay away from that and not engage.
When I went back to college to become a radiologic technologist, the president of our class was a Lesbian who was married to her partner. Our class broke up into several study groups and she was in mine. When it came time to go to her house to study, I became very conflicted.
Would I be compromising my beliefs to go?
Everyone in my class knew I was a Christian. If I chose not to go it would be obvious to everyone in the group that I didn’t accept her lifestyle.
But, more importantly I felt it would communicate my rejection of her personally, which wasn't the case so I went.
Sometime later, while walking across campus with my new friend, I noticed a man passing out bibles on the corner. I asked if she would like to go with me to talk with him. She strongly said “No! Outside of you, I have never had a Christian be nice to me." Her statement shook me. I was instantly grateful that I went to her house to study. Jesus was condemned by the Pharisees for eating with sinners. He was not condoning their sin, only loving them in- the midst of it. Romans 6:5 states, “But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
At the end of the interview at the conference, this gentleman told how parents of gay and lesbian children ask him for advice on how to treat their children. They have been raised in the church, but now are living a gay lifestyle.
His answer is profound. he simply said "You have to lose the But” such as “I love you, but….”
Wow, I had never thought of it that way before. Of course, the Father doesn’t say to them, “I love you but..." or "I will love you when...” I thought of how many times I might have presented this scenario to my own loved ones, “I love you, but disagree with your lifestyle" or "I will love you when you change to meet my standards of living.”
Since leaving the legalistic church I grew up in, I have learned much about mercy and grace. I believe the Father loves us right where we are and reaches out to redeem us no matter what our sin may be.
John 3:17 says,” He came not into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved”.
What I've come to learn is showing love to “the one in front of you” shines a light on their path, giving them the ability to see a better way to live. Just as the moon has no light of itself, but only reflects the light of the sun, so we reflect the light and love of “the one and only Son.” By loving “the one”, millions have been reached by this gentleman for Christ but, it all started with one.
I cry out, “Abba Father, teach me to love like you do.” I Peter 4:8 states, “Above all, love one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.”
If you are in need of prayer, would like to know how the Father sees you, or would like to have us pray with you for a loved one, we would be honored. Signet ministries stands ready to pour the love of the Father over you and your life.
Delva Chaddock
Signet Team Member